In the holidays

In the holidays it was my eleventh birthday we went to clip n climb in albany Jayvous,Junior,Landon and Rourke came to my birthday.We waited for everyone to come to my house then we drove to clip n climb.Landon was the first one to come was Landon he got me a card with 30 dollars in it!.Then Rourke came and he got me a giant kit kat bar and 10 dollars.Then Junior came and got me a brand new football and a playstation gift card yay!.Jayvous came and got me two roblox gift cards and 5 dollars.Everyone was here so we went to clip n climb.                                                                                      


When I saw the building for clip n climb it was massive.When we got inside,there were alot of walls to climb.The first wall i climbed was jungle themed.I raced Rourke to the top it was really hard to climb but in the end it was a tie.It was scary to abb sail down but when i did it it felt like i was superman.


After that we went home and played basketball outside while waiting for cake.The cake was finally ready. We ate some then played basketball and rugby.It was finally time for everyone to go.


I enjoyed climbing the walls and playing with my friends and eating                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

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