Month: May 2024

My week

Last week on saturday I had a rugby game against drury.I compliment my mum for taking me to the game and cooking sausages for my team.When we arrived my team warmed up by passing the ball around then we practised forming a ruck.When the game drury was kicking off.My friend Kj caught the ball the ball and ran it but got tackled i went into the ruck to defend the ball from being stolen.But the drury had ripped the ball out of my teammates hands and that’s how drury got the first try.They kept on getting tries until we were making a comeback i scored a few tries and so did my teammates.In the end it was a tie the score was 20-20.I appreciate that my dad and mum and my sister watched my game.After the game we had a massive feed sausages,chicken nuggets,chips,pizza and mini pies.

Narrative writing

Once upon a time there was a boy named Randy his hair was always messy and had a giant afro.Randy would always try to be funny and tell jokes and Randy is very short.Randy is 5 years old.He loves playing fortnite and spending his mums credit card on vbucks.He’s very fast and can beat Usain bolt in a race.


One day Randy’s mum took away his computer so he couldn’t play fortnite.So randy went to the library to go on the library to go on the computer to play fortnite.When he entered the library Randy heard a scary voice saying ‘’I got you where i want you now im gonna eat you’’.Randy listened to where the voice was coming from he followed it until Randy knew where it was coming from the library basement.Randy was scared to go down the basement but Randy convinced himself to go down the basement he slowly went down the creaky steps Randy then turned on the lights it was just a monkey saying i got you where i want you now im gonna eat you.The monkey was eating his sloberry boogers and that is why the monkey was saying Randy went back up the stairs and played fortnite with the boys.

Should animals be kept in zoos?

Did you know that zookeepers are constantly monitoring animals’ health?.


I think animals should be kept in zoos because if animals get sick or injured the zoos will take them in and help them to recover.This is according to kiddle.


Animals are well fed in zoos for example lions are fed ground beef twice a week and hippos are fed  leaves,roots,grass and much more stuff this is all according to kiddle.


Animals could die to poachers and hunters.100,000 Elephants have died due to poachers in just 3 years from poaching.In 2018 1028 rhinos had died from poachers.This is also according to kiddle.And this is why i think they should stay in zoos thanks for reading.

In the holidays

In the holidays it was my eleventh birthday we went to clip n climb in albany Jayvous,Junior,Landon and Rourke came to my birthday.We waited for everyone to come to my house then we drove to clip n climb.Landon was the first one to come was Landon he got me a card with 30 dollars in it!.Then Rourke came and he got me a giant kit kat bar and 10 dollars.Then Junior came and got me a brand new football and a playstation gift card yay!.Jayvous came and got me two roblox gift cards and 5 dollars.Everyone was here so we went to clip n climb.                                                                                      


When I saw the building for clip n climb it was massive.When we got inside,there were alot of walls to climb.The first wall i climbed was jungle themed.I raced Rourke to the top it was really hard to climb but in the end it was a tie.It was scary to abb sail down but when i did it it felt like i was superman.


After that we went home and played basketball outside while waiting for cake.The cake was finally ready. We ate some then played basketball and rugby.It was finally time for everyone to go.


I enjoyed climbing the walls and playing with my friends and eating