Water fun day recount

Last week on Friday we had a water fun day.Everyone was in teams sorted in there house colours te tonga is green te whiti is yellow, te raki is blue and te uru is red.We did different types of water activities.Not all of them are water related.the first station Is in the pools every house has to do it there were three different kind of races.The first race was where you had to swim through hoops underwater.The next one you had to swim through people’s legs.Then each split up to do different activities.The first activity for my house te tonga the best house did the slide but I forgot my togs so i didn’t do it but if you have your togs you can play tug of war or go on the playground.I just went on the playground.The second game was on the courts.We had to get a wet sponge and put it under and over then when it gets to the last person they have to run and squeeze it into a bucket.Then they run to the person at the front and then repeat the same thing until the bucket is filled to the brim until the time is over you have to stop.And at the end of the time the fullest bucket wins.The next one was also on the courts its called drip drip drop.Its like duck duck goose but with a sponge.I got super wet.The final game for te tonga my team was a game where you have to hold a bucket with your feet in your team for as long as possible it’s harder than it sounds.Once the bucket fell i pushed the bucket somewhere else so i didn’t get wet.After that i went to class and i went home.

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